The Rise of the use of Cryptocurrency in our Daily Lives

4 min readJun 13, 2024


Cryptocurrency is still relatively new and has recently garnered more interest than ever, particularly with Bitcoin. Initially, it was just a hidden online project created in 2009, and now it is the focus of popular culture and booming business. Cryptocurrencies have gone from a topic only computer nerds discuss to a popular topic in our society. Below is a brief on how these digital currencies have fully integrated into existence.

Greater Public Awareness

Cryptocurrency could be described as a concept that few individuals, if any, knew about five years ago. However, as of the year 2023, a survey revealed that nearly 80% of American adults possess some level of familiarity with cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, in particular, has established a brand presence and customer awareness in the global market.

Watching programs like CNN and CNBC, people can encounter news stories about significant increases or sharp declines in Bitcoin prices. Cryptocurrencies are extensively covered by mainstream media outlets, including the New York Times, Bloomberg, and the Wall Street Journal, among others, with most of them having published over 100 crypto stories on average. Newspapers, magazines, and especially TV channels have increasingly become involved in reporting how digital assets are being dealt with as well as being employed.

Cryptocurrency as a method of payment is gradually gaining acceptance in many different areas.

Another one of the most significant points that point to the fact that cryptocurrencies are indeed entering the mainstream is the growing usage among companies. It is important to note that in the year 2021, El Salvador became the first country in the world to legalize ‘Bitcoin.’ Some of the most prominent businesses and brands today accept cryptocurrencies, including Microsoft, AT&T, and Home Depot.

Another company that will also accept and facilitate payments through cryptocurrencies is PayPal, a payment service company, and the payment network Mastercard. Currently, giants like Starbucks, McDonalds, VictoriSecretcret, and so on have also adopted the use of crypto payments through intermediaries on a trial basis.

These concerns will, no doubt, become part of the public’s everyday awareness as more merchants and well-known corporations enter the mix.

CFDs, Crypto-tokens, New Forms of Investments:

There is a wide array of financial products and services related to Cryptocurrency, such as lending and borrowing cryptocurrencies, deposit accounts, credit cards, and cryptocurrency ATMs. These products enable a more fitting blend and fit into individuals’ existing monetary practices. For example, one may borrow and repay the loan in BTC or earn interest from owning BTCs instead of merely making money from price fluctuations.

Moreover, Wall Street firms expanded their crypto trading desks in response to the high demand from investment managers and affluent clients. It now has new forms of exchanges, and the index funds have made it easier for the average investor to invest in contrast to the complex that was first exhibited.

Cryptocurrencies are no longer peripheral areas of interest but can be confidently classified as an asset class. In its research, J. P Morgan has projected that by the year 2025, more than 50 million people could own Bitcoin.

Crypto Infiltrating Pop Culture:

If you venture online, especially on social media, you will find that nearly every other post is associated with some crypto related to memes, trends, or promotions by influencers.

Twitter is loaded with such hashtags regarding crypto culture. Various trends like the “HODL” movement and different trends like “NFT Twitter” prove that there is interest, at least at the basic level.

Famous personalities have not remained left behind and have also embraced the use of these devices, ranging from rapper Snoop Dog to actress Reese Witherspoon. There is a reality show, «Crypto Bros,» that captures the young entrepreneurs dreaming of fast money with the help of digital coins.

You observe Bitcoin codes tagged in music videos or the primary protagonists of films purchasing blockchain-related enterprises. The idea behind them has been just used as a reference point, a kind of sign or a code among the members of the internet generation in-jokes or content.

Developing Cultural Tensions and Fluidity:

Lastly, as deployment is speeding up, national and state governments in the United States have begun revising the legislation. Currently, Wyoming recognizes the ownership of digital assets under commercial law. Colorado permits taxes to be paid via cryptocurrencies to the government and other businesses.

New guidelines that have been released by the IRS on taxation prove that cryptos like ether and other digital coins are to be treated as properties just like any other. All these legal changes facilitate the setting of working guidelines for the use of inflation.

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